is now Here’s why, and what it means for you.
Our commitment to impactful, public-service journalism remains the cornerstone of everything we do.
On Saturday morning, 190 years to the day since The Philadelphia Inquirer published its first edition, we changed our web address from to, along with some other updates throughout our digital and print platforms.
Why? We want readers to know — whether they’re engaging with our indispensable journalism online, in the newspaper, or in the community — that we are The Inquirer: one brand, one mission.
Here’s what you’ll see, and what to know:
The new contains all of the ambitious and innovative journalism you’ve come to expect from The Inquirer. The web address and logo at the top of the site may have changed, but the navigation and display features remain the same.
If you’re used to typing “” into your browser or have it bookmarked, don’t worry — those links will automatically redirect you to Your login information won’t change, but you may need to sign in with your username and password the first time you visit Forget your info? Click the “Don’t remember your password” link to get it back.
Our official social media accounts — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn — all have The Inquirer in their names. If you already follow those pages, you won’t have to do anything to continue seeing our timely and engaging social content. Click here to read more about those updates.
In Print
We also redesigned the look of “The Philadelphia Inquirer” flag that runs atop the front page and our website, and the iconic Inquirer “I” logo. It’s the first design change to The Inquirer’s logo in decades.
A team of in-house graphic artists collaborated with world-renowned type designer Matthew Carter to come up with a modern logo that functions well not just on top of the newspaper but across our digital products as well. The Daily News also received a refreshed logo, visible on its daily and weekend print editions.
In the Community
Along with the cosmetic upgrades, we’ve also changed our company name from Philadelphia Media Network to The Philadelphia Inquirer, a public benefit corporation. The Inquirer is a for-profit entity owned by the nonprofit Lenfest Institute for Journalism.
While we’re excited about these changes and hope that you are, too, it’s important to note what isn’t changing around here. Subscribers will continue to receive printed editions of The Inquirer and the Daily News, single copies of both papers will still be available at newsstands throughout the region, and all of our content is always available at
Our commitment to impactful, public-service journalism remains the cornerstone of everything we do. Our mission — to serve the Philadelphia region’s diverse community with a sustainable, growing business — depends on the trust and support of readers like you.
We’d love to hear what you think of the changes and to answer any questions you have. Email [email protected] or call Customer Service at 215-222-2765.