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Emily Bloch

What I Do

I cover trending national news, specializing in youth and internet culture. I'm a recovering Florida girl on the hunt for the best bialy in town.

My Background

Emily Bloch covers trending national news with a specialty in youth and internet culture. Born and raised in South Florida, she covered community news for the Sun-Sentinel before moving to Jacksonville, building a home with her longtime boyfriend, and reporting on education for The Florida Times-Union. Her work has appeared in Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Daily Beast and USA Today. She is a past president of the Society of Professional Journalists Florida Pro chapter and is an at-large director on SPJ’s national board. Her social media handle (@emdrums) stems from gigs as a drummer for punk bands and with the Miami Heat band (don't try to convert her, it won't work). She’s on a quest for the best bialy in town.