Political Cartoon: Low bars for Brett Kavanaugh and the New York Times
Daily takes from Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Signe Wilkinson.
Before the New York Times ran an essay last weekend with allegations of high school and college heavy drinking and sexual aggression from Brett Kavanaugh, we had a pretty good idea that our newest Supreme Court judge, in his younger years, had repeatedly gone over the line with women while drunk. The United States Senate did not think Christine Blasey Ford’s credible accusations constituted behavior unbecoming to a gentleman or a top jurist of the land.
Before the ink was dry, the New York Times contributors were “clarifying” — but not before others, like the Washington Post’s Kathleen Parker, had picked apart their facts. Now we’re left with a Supreme Court Justice who will be with us for life, with frothing-mad conservatives, and with a newspaper of record whose record is weakened.
Finally, the Times authors’ strongest allegation, that the FBI never investigated an alleged incident of Kavanaugh’s indecent behavior that lawyer Max Stier had reported to them before Kavanaugh’s confirmation, has been lost in the shuffle.
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