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Coronavirus cartoon: The internet has the answers to all your mask questions

There's not a question you can think of about coronavirus masks that the internet doesn't already have an answer for.

Rob Tornoe's coronavirus cartoon for Friday, April 10.
Rob Tornoe's coronavirus cartoon for Friday, April 10.Read moreRob Tornoe / Staff

How to make your own coronavirus mask at home. How to clean your homemade mask. How NOT to wear a mask.

The internet has suddenly become awash with every possible mask angle you could ever be curious about, now that the CDC and states like Pennsylvania and New Jersey are recommending we wear some type of facial covering when we need to leave the home.

According to the CDC, cloth masks likely won’t prevent you from getting the virus, but it can help prevent people who have COVID-19 but aren’t showing symptoms from spreading tiny droplets that contain the disease when we talk, cough, or sneeze. But the quick shift from “we don’t need masks” to “everyone post your mask selfie” has left a lot of people with a lot of questions.

Wear glasses? Lifehacker has a handy post how to keep them from fogging up while wearing a mask. Are you a nudist? Yeah, you still need to wear a mask. Should kids wear masks? If they’re over the age of two and you have to take them with you to the grocery store, probably. Sweat a lot? Here are some tips how to take care of your skin while wearing a mask. Should I wear a mask while running? It won’t hurt, but you’re better off just keeping a safe distance from other runners.

Unfortunately, as I touched on with my cartoon, many still view some masks through the prism of crime. Recently, two black men were kicked out of a Walmart in Illinois for wearing protective masks. Kip Diggs, a Nashville marketing consultant, told the Washington Post he purposefully chose pastel colors so he wouldn’t be perceived as threatening.

“I have pink, lime green, Carolina blue so I don’t look menacing. I want to take a lot of that stigma and risk out as best I can," Diggs told the Post.

Sad that in 2020, we need to have tips for “How to wear a coronavirus mask while black," but unfortunately that’s where things stand.

More coronavirus cartoons from The Inquirer

Here’s a roundup of recent coronavirus cartoons from me and my colleague, Signe Wilkinson. For more editorial cartoons, visit