Political Cartoon: Peacekeepers in Syria and Philadelphia
Daily takes from Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Signe Wilkinson.
On Saturday I stopped to ask some handsome teenagers at 9th and Indiana for information on a neighborhood cleanup. They side-eyed my advanced age, wrinkles, white hair, and suspicious looking Prius hybrid and politely asked, “Are you a cop?” The next day I wondered if they might have been among the six people shot two blocks away at 8th and Clearfield.
As of yesterday, October 15, thirteen more Philadelphians have been killed this year than last year this time — 63 more than in 2015 just before Jim Kenney was elected. The 20% of Philadelphia voters who generally turn out on election day are about to re-elect the mayor and City Council who have presided over the carnage. Based on past performance, we will be electing four more years of lip service but no improvement in public safety.
Editorial cartoons from this week include:
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