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The Bok-Lahong, shredding papaya salad, and Praw Hok Kteah served with cruditie at Sophie’s Kitchen in Philadelphia on Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024.
The Bok-Lahong, shredding papaya salad, and Praw Hok Kteah served with cruditie at Sophie’s Kitchen in Philadelphia on Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024.Read moreMonica Herndon / Staff Photographer
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Sophie's Kitchen

South PhiladelphiaCambodian, BYOB, Southeast Asian$

There’s a reason the Cambodian ambassador to the United States recently brought their counterparts from six other Southeast Asian countries from Washington, D.C., to Philly’s Washington Avenue for lunch. That’s because Sophie’s Kitchen, a BYOB run by chef Sophia Neth and husband Danny Duk, is turning out some of the best traditional Cambodian cooking on the East Coast in a charming bi-level space that has ceilings illuminated by a purple glow, turning fans, Khmer art, and plants blooming from every corner. An order of prahok kteah — the classic dip of ground pork jazzed with aromatic spice and fermented mudfish paste served with crudité — is non-negotiable. Don’t forget the crunchy, sour and chile-pounded threads of green papaya salad (bok lahong); stir-fries fragrant with lemongrass (cha kroeung) or sweet chunks of kabocha (cha l’pau); one of the iconic sour lemongrass soups like somlaw machu kroeung; or the crispy chicken wings encrusted with lemongrass paste.

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The Inquirer aims to represent the geographic, cultural, and culinary diversity of the region in its coverage. Inquirer staffers and contributors do not accept free or comped meals — all meals are paid for by the Inquirer. All dining recommendations are made solely by the Inquirer editorial staffers and contributors based on their reporting and expertise, without input from advertisers or outside interests.

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