Political Cartoon: Elizabeth Warren’s healthcare plan costs
Daily takes from Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Signe Wilkinson.
Frankly, I don’t trust anyone’s figures on healthcare costs. It’s going to be expensive. But, it’s already expensive and complicated and a major pain in the neck if you’re not on your company’s 5-star, executive suite plan.
Elizabeth Warren, who had great healthcare at Harvard and now at the U.S. Senate, has studied the issue and has a plan, cheerfully summarized on her website. Unfortunately, it’s hard to judge how realistic the plan is without knowing how much it will cost and she firmly evaded answering the question when asked at Tuesday night’s debate. According to her website, her plan to cancel student debt will be paid for by her “Ultra-Millionaire Tax” and her affordable housing plan will be paid for by lowering the threshold on the amount an heir can inherit tax free and raising the rate on the ultra-rich who would be above the threshold. Fortunately, Donald Trump is working hard to make the ultra-rich even ultra-richer.
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